Tuesday, November 6, 2007

So What in Sao Paulo

Invited by our business school partner FGV-EAESP I provided two workshops for the Information Systems PhD students in Sao Paulo (with 19 million people). We had great discussions about how to improve the "So What" question of your research. My "So What" presentation can be viewed here.
Sao Paulo City has the same high energy level as New York City, but you wonder why so many people nowadays move to these cities.

The Power of Information Markets

A great crowd - with a great view at the top of the Golden Tulip hotel overlooking the Erasmus bridge and the South of Rotterdam - was discussing with me the power of information markets. Professor Willem Verbeke invited me at the Knowledge Event of ISAM / Professional Capital. I presented the latest research about how these information markets are used in field experiments in practice and how these markets do aggregate information, see my presentation. At YouTube you can find a videoclip impression.